Our Ministries

Here at Shiloh, we have many groups (a group is a precursor to a ministry, so it doesn’t have an elected leader or a core team) and ministries to allow our members to connect and participate in the church’s growth both within itself and within the community. Every member should have the chance to serve within a group or ministry and we have many to choose from. For questions about joining a ministry please call our main office 907-276-6673 or send an e-mail.
Women's Ministry
Our women’s ministry help women EXPLORE, become EMPOWERED, and ENGAGE in Christ and the biblical purposes of the church. Women aims to welcome women with open arms, connect them to God and others, equip them to live out God’s purpose for their lives, and send them out to share Christ’s love with their communities and the world. Through healthy small groups, authentic mentorship, and outreach opportunities, Shiloh Women seeks to ignite passion for the Great Commandment and Great Commission in the heart of every woman.
Explore: Connecting Women to God and an amazing community of diverse women!
Empower: Equipping Women providing tools and resources to help women ignite their passions, deepen their faith in Jesus, and lead a purpose-driven life.
Engage: Igniting Women giving women opportunities to express their S.H.A.P.E. for ministry and live theirlives on mission, empowering them to live boldly by affecting the world around them.
Connecting Women Through Small Groups– Life isn’t meant to be lived alone, and small groups are the primary way for women to connect with women.
Women Worship & Retreats
Women Worship Nights; Fall Retreat Equipping Women
Sunday Morning & Wednesday Night Women’s Mentorship
Young Women; Today Teen; Women Precious Gems (Girls) Women Outreach
Women on Mission Women Serving
Men's Ministry
A Christ-centered ministry dedicated to preparing, equipping, empowering and deploying men in Christian service; to their families, church, community, and the world. We desire to…
Prepare Men to be Leaders (in home, church, community, world) Equip Men through Bible Study
Empower Men In Ministry Deploy Men to Reach Men
Connecting Men:
Men’s Discipleship
Sunday School & Wednesday Night Men’s Fellowships
Quarterly Breakfast; Father’s Day Grill Feast; Super Bowl Fellowship Men’s Outreach
Anchorage Gospel Rescue; Men’s Clothing Drive Men’s Serving
New Men Breakfast; No Shave November; Choir
Administration & Support
The Administrative Team oversees the day-to-day operations of the church and provides the vision for the futuredirection of the church. At present, the members of this management team are key staff members [paid and volunteer] holding these positions:
Through the Management Team, each ministry or department within the church has the opportunity to have theirviews expressed and issues addressed. The Senior Pastor’s leadership in all three groups; Diaconate, Trustees, and Management, provides communication, openness, and accountability.
Prayer Ministry
At the center of every great evangelistic movement is prayer. Our city and state needs the gospel. Our prayers will make a difference.
Pray for Bold Evangelistic Leadership; Shiloh Membership; City of Anchorage; State of Alaska; Shiloh’s Compassion Ministries
Children's Ministry
At Shiloh, we fully believe that God has fearfully and wonderfully made each and everychild (Psalm 139:14) and that they are His workmanship (Eph. 2:10). Our goal is to partner with families to give our children a solid spiritual foundation, based on God’s Word. We are committed to equipping the next generation to know Christ and to be transformed by Him (Ps. 78:5-7).
Youth-Middle/High School
Shiloh’s Youth & Children’s Program will focus on Spiritual Growth. We will follow safety protocol and reset our programming as we move forward this year.
Young Adult Group
Building a young adult community of college students, 20s & 30s that seeks to make a difference by serving God’s purposes faithfully in this generation. The Young Adults Ministry exists to foster an environment of growth that enhances the development of Young Adults to KNOW Christ, GROW in Christ, CONNECT with Others, and SERVE Others, into the spiritual leaders of tomorrow through Membership Care, Worship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Evangelism.
Senior's Ministry
Senior Wednesday@Shiloh
Wednesday at 11:00 AM for Prayer, Bible Study, and Lunch.
Senior Sunday School
Every Sunday Morning at 9:45
Senior Outreach
On-Going Ministry to Homebound and Nursing Home Members and Evangelizing seniors in our community
Senior Life Issues And Concerns
Conversations and presentations addressing issues that are important to Senior Adults. Our guests come from a variety of different backgrounds and ministries and they provide unique insight and answers to many of the questions and concerns senior adults may have.
Senior Activities And Events
Senior Gala, Day Trips, Black History Celebration, Thanksgiving Gratefulness Potluck, Christmas Potluck,
We are commissioned by Jesus to go and share the gospel—and we don’t have to go alone. Sharing the gospel can be an intimidating idea. We will help prepare you to live on mission. Every day of your life is an opportunity. God designed you with unique skills and experiences, and your story has the potential to reach someone in a way that no one else’s can. We want to help you connect your story to others.
Evangelism and Missions receive a high priority at Shiloh and are critical outreach ministries for our church. Our goal is to mobilize church members for person-to-person witnessing to unsaved and unchurched friends, relatives, acquaintances and neighbors. This goal also involves strategies for bringing people to church, getting them to return and become involved in ministry, presenting the salvation message, encouraging personal decisions for Christ and growing in the faith.
First Impression Ministry
First Impression Ministries exist to ensure that a safe and distraction-free environment is maintained for all members and guests attending regular and special services. The First Impression Ministries provides the liaison between members and guests and medics and lay minister as needs may arise. The Service Ministries Teams plan for all regular and special services. This planning includes policy and procedures, training, recruitment, internal traffic flow, evacuation, safety, and security.
Greeter's Ministry
Greeters are the frontline ambassadors for Shiloh’s welcome and hospitality system. The Greeters welcome and minister to members and visitors with a gracious heart, warm smile, kind words, and a handshake as they enter and exit the church building. Together with the ushers, Shiloh greeters help members, and visitors (guests) experience a wonderful worship service. The Greeters Ministry’s area of responsibility is outside the sanctuary from the parking lot to the sanctuary’s interior entry doors. The team’s responsibilities include:
Welcome members and visitors with a smile and handshake
Request visitors sign the guest register and/or visitor’s card
Distribute printed material as requested by t he Church
Direct flow inside the church. Visitors need to know where restrooms/other facilities are located.
Open for incoming members and visitors. At the end of service open doors again to allow attendees to leave with a handshake or goodbye.
Usher's Ministry
The role of the Shiloh usher is to help our first-time guests repeat visitors, and members experience the sacredness and joy of a worship service. Together with the greeters, Shiloh ushers help members and visitors (guests) experience a wonderful worship service. Ushers are a significant part of Shiloh’s welcome and hospitality system and fulfill specific duties to accomplish that role. The Ushers Ministry’s area of responsibility is inside the sanctuary starting from the interior entry doors. The team’s responsibilities include:
Assist in the seating of members and visitors
Providing care for the needs of the pastor during the service.
Attending to the needs of visiting speakers or guests of honor.
Maintaining the decorum of the service, according to Shiloh’s tradition.
Watching for the safety of the congregation and acting as the line of first response to medical emergencies.
Collecting the offering.
Resetting and cleaning up the sanctuary
Media Ministry
Our mission is to continually lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of our technology tools and technical gifts by creating an excellent spiritual and technical atmosphere. These two fundamental elements are what we focus on continually. We will seek how to best serve every ministry with our technology in a manner that is helpful and not hindering to accomplish this mission. Please see Rev. Taylor for more information.

The Senior Pastor provides general watch care and oversight. He continually evaluates the ministry of the church and reviews major ministry decisions and strategic initiatives. He has the ultimate responsibility and authority to use his wisdom, discernment, and shepherding gift to ensure the church remains on a true course biblically, that itsmembers are being appropriately shepherded, that the body is being fed through insightful and accurate biblical teaching, and that the life of the church is being well managed with the assistance of other competent and godly leaders. The senior pastor, in addition to his shepherding role, is primarily responsible to be a teacher of the Word of God and providing strategic leadership and vision to the body.
Music & Worship Arts Ministry
The mission of the Music Ministry is to produce quality music that glorifies God and brings people closer to Him.
Choir & Band
All talent/skill levels are welcome to participate. No prior experience and no audition arerequired. A commitment to faithful participation in rehearsals, weekend services, and special events is expected. Please see the current minister of Music Rev. Taylor for more information on joining.
Anointed Expressions of Praise Dance Ensemble
The Dance Ministry is a life-giving expression of worship through movement. The ministry will not only be a place to come and dance, but a community of learning dance technically matched with the anointing the Lord has placed in each person to exude excellence and bring a fresh perspective to the facet of ministry. It will offer classes for youth and adults and the training will consist of biblical principles whereby the understanding of dance as a ministry is realized and actualized.
Shiloh Married Couples
Our mission is to disciple couples toward maturity in Christ. A significant part of this ministry is done in and through small groups. We call men and women to the process of maturing in Christ, as evidenced by the fact that they: The Couples Ministry concentrates on four major areas of emphasis:
•Evangelization: to reach an ever-increasing percentage of couples in our community
•Assimilation: to connect couples into need-based groups of relational and spiritual growth
•Discipleship: to disciple couples toward full devotion to Christ
•Mobilization: to involve couples in strategic arenas of kingdom impact locally and globally
Shiloh Singles
Provides a safe place where individuals are encouraged to grow stronger in their faith and friendships through prayer, Bible Studies, activities and ministry to the church and the community.
Provides gatekeepers and watch persons to assist members and guests during Shiloh’s services and events. The Security Ministry is here to provide a safe and secure environment at all times. Various ministry opportunities are available.
Food Services
Provides quality food and hospitality in support of the ministry of Shiloh. For those with the gift of cooking and hospitality, it is an opportunity to display your culinary skills, along with the gift of serving, to ensure the success of ministry events. Serving in this ministry requires a deep commitment and a heart to serve others. The Word reminds us in I Peter 4:8-10 that “above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in various forms.”
Discipleship = Growing in Christ

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Bible tells us that Jesus’ disciples “devoted themselves to His teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42). Those who knew Jesus continued to learn, teach, pray, and mentor one another so that their faith would take root and grow to maturity.
Jesus does not want our relationship with Him to be limited to membership in His family. He has given us tools and means to learn about His life and how we should live, and communicate with Him so that our relationship with Jesus will grow in maturity over time For us today, the Bible itself is a textbook for the Christian life.
Prayer–simply talking to God and listening for His response–is also available to us.
Studying the Bible is the key to living a victorious life and walking in God’s blessings. Our spiritual growth classes are a fun and exciting way to know and study God’s Word with other people who are just like you! We were never meant to stay at the same place as we were last year. We have classes for kids all the way up to seniors where they can grow and become all that God wants them to be. Increase is God’s desire for us outwardly and inwardly. As you spend time in fellowship through prayer and His Word and grow spiritually, every aspect of your life is affected in a positive way.
Strengthen your faith, and gain knowledge of who God is and who He says you are by attending worship, and by joining any of our Sunday Morning and/or Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible study groups. These groups are designed to meet you where you are in life. Whether single, married, or just starting out in your Christian walk, a group that best serves your needs is available Sunday Morning or Wednesday Night.

Foundation Discipleship Pathway
Shiloh’s foundational Discipleship Path consists of Foundation Class for New Believers, Sunday School, Corporate Prayer, and Corporate Bible Study.

Foundations for New Believers
We encourage new believers to get involved in our New Believers Caring Community—a relational environment that encourages Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship, and witnessing and also provide spiritual nurturing activities that will help new believers strengthen their spiritual lives and become a fully participating member.

Sunday Morning 9:45 AM Sunday School
Growth Classes meet on Sunday mornings. This is the place where the life of the church happens, where you will experience a time of fellowship and meeting others, Bible study, and encouragement. Choose a Growth Class based on your life stage, family situation, or friends that you already know. Growth groups offer you a chance to build friendships as you participate in Bible study, prayer, worship, and reaching our community with the gospel. Sunday School is the “CONNECTION” point for new members.

Wednesday Night Prayer @ 6:30 PM
We Believe in the Power of Prayer The Bible says the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, yet something extraordinary happens when two or more agree together in prayer. In Matt. 18:19, Jesus said, “If any two of you agree touching any matter on this earth, it shall be done.” We pray together on and believe that God is going to move mightily in our lives as others around us pray in agreement with our requests! Our Wednesday Prayer is a time, when you can bring your prayer, a nd needs to share with passionate prayer warriors, who are also your sisters and brothers in Christ. It is the time for the Shiloh Family to pray for and with one another. Whatever your prayer burden is, whatever your praise may be this is a time you can pray and be prayed for. God says in Psalm 91:15 When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them

Wednesday Night Bible Study @7:00 PM
Grow and Connect on Wednesday . . . There Is A Small Group For You! It’s time to go deeper. Every Wednesday, join us for an in-depth study of God’s infallible Word. As you explore each book of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, you’ll discover invaluable insights about God’s character, His purpose for your life, and so much more. This phenomenal teaching will challenge how you think, as well as provide practical ways for scheduling time each day to read the Bible. So, whether you were raised in the church, or whether you’ve been “doing life” according to your plans, this Wednesday Night Bible Study is for everyone!